What are you THANKFUL for this year?

I’m thankful for many reasons…family, good health, successful knee surgery, new friends, that I’m not being foreclosed on, going bankrupt, lost my job, etc. There are so many wonderful reasons to be thankful this year and always.

Xerox has sponsored a “Let’s Say Thanks” Program to support our troops in Iraq. If you would like to participate, this program only takes a moment of your time.

If you go to this web site, http://www.LetsSayThanks.com, you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and send it to a service person who is currently serving in Iraq . You can’t pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.

How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our service men and women received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers need to know we are behind them.

This takes just 10 seconds and it’s a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time, and then pass it on to others. We can never say enough thank you’s.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving,

It’s all good in PWC – Housing shows positive signs in Prince William | InsideNova.com

Google Maps – New Real Estate Feature

It’s now even easier and faster to find your new home or rental. Google has added a real estate option to its popular map functionality. Go to http://google.com/maps, click on the “more” button, then select the real estate check box. The map functionality is now overlayed with real estate options and you can set the criteria you wish to search!


Expanded First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Becomes Law – The Home Front (usnews.com)